Jeline – Are You Over Her?

Pōneke resident Jeline, a proud Filipina with a voice that could stay the course with Joss Stone. She’s back with latest single Are You Over Her? This is another example of Jeline‘s emerging talent as a storytelling songwriter, as she covers the tribulations she had with her inability to get her partner’s ex out of her thoughts. I’m sure plenty of us have had that one, right?

Jeline is, as I said, a Filipina and she’s building a good head of steam fronting Welly band W.K. Bookclub as they gig around the capital. Doing the hard yards, and building up the catalogue of originals. I like a determined, dedicated – and above all talented – musician.

The song itself is on the Spotify list, and is a really nicely recorded piece. We have some tender synth sounds married to some intense bottom end as the drums and bass carry the song along at a decent pace, nicely symbiotic as a good rhythm section should be. There’s a decent bit of guitars and synth lead, with a good delivery on all fronts. It’s high energy indie/soul crossover kind of stuff. Think of Keane mixed in a mash-up with The Naked And Famous.

I’m really happy to hear a high volume of BVs, with entire lines instead of oohs and aahs. An occasionally underrated tool with regard to delivery of the emotive side of a song. Jeline has used this well here. A nice earworm of a chorus, with a groovy full stop with the title being asked directly to the lady’s amour. The video is a nice and easy ride through various parts of Wellington (try to see how many you recognise) combined with some storyboarding, and Jeline angsting (if that wasn’t a word before, you’re welcome) in her room. Directed by Francesca Sewell, it flows well and visually supports the storyline and lyrics with impeccable timing. Pop onto the You Tubes. It’s there.

Now I’ll get to Jeline‘s voice. This lady has got an extra dimension. An absolute mezzo soprano, and man can she belt it out. Together with the really nice orchestration, co-produced by Jeline and Jack Hegarty, the vocal performance is of a timbre I could describe as early Cher, prior to the layers of studio polish. Maybe not as bass as Cher per se, but the stones of that legendary performer during halcyon days which saw Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves and others of that era. Seriously good. Jeline sounds like she pulls air from the ground underneath, she’s got so much oomph.

This is definitely radio and TV bound. Juice TV will have this airing in a snap. I’m hoping she’ll get picked up back in the Philippines too, as the likes of Jam 883FM does tend to grab a performing Filipino/Filipina and pushes them over the airwaves in Manila. Fingers crossed.

Keep an ear and an eye out. You’re going to be crossing path with this song. Top marks again Jeline.

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